Monday, September 29, 2014

Latest Women Hair Styles Trend

In 2014 this has many hairstyles latest women appear more highlight the beauty of women. Most of the latest models or the development is usually a combination of styles - which has been the trend in previous community. This time we will discuss some of the latest models of women's hair styles were predicted to boom in Indonesian society, including;
Style Hair Pieces Half Term.

Hairstyle half-length pieces are often seen used by the Hollywood actress of the plains. This haircut trend is predicted to be the center in 2014 dikarena many movies - movie box office with the actresses who use these hair styles. To apply this hair, you need to cut hair to shoulder exceeds approximately 2 to 3 cm. Furthermore haircut at the top of the front along the lash line up to better cover the entire forehead. Parts of the edge is highly recommended for this hairstyle, so it will be more feminine impression visible. Style Hair Pieces Mermeid Wave.

Prediction hairstyle in the year 2014 which will be another boom with Mermeid Wave hairstyle. This hairstyle displays a beautiful impression, glamor and cheerful. You need to hair length along the chest to apply this style with more leverage. At the top of the ear to the bottom line, let the hair fall straight down, while starting from the bottom line of the ear to the tip of the hair, you need to form an irregular wave. And to avoid the use of layers in the front, because the impression mermeidnya can disappear. 

Style Wavy Hair Pieces.

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